AsgardiasPrincesse Wikia


Early Years

Not much about Sigyn's history is known. She is the faithfull wife of Loki Laufeyson and the mother of Narfi, Vali, Astridr, and Ari. At the onset of Ragnarök, Sigyn still remained loyal to her husband after he was bound by the other gods for the murder of Balder; she stood beside him and used a bowl to catch the deadly snake venom that dripped onto his face. However, when she had to temporarily leave to empty the bowl, the venom would hit Loki's face and he would cringe in pain, causing the earth to shake.

In Norse mythology, Sigyn (Old Norse "victorious girl-friend") is a goddess and is the wife of Loki. Sigyn is attested to in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In the Poetic Edda, little information is provided about Sigyn other than her role in assisting Loki during his captivity. In the Prose Edda, her role in helping her husband through his time spent in bondage is stated again, she appears in various kennings, and her status as a goddess is mentioned twice. Sigyn may appear on the Gosforth Cross and has been the subject of an amount of theory and cultural references.

Sigyn is introduced as a goddess, an ásynja, in the Prose Edda book Skáldskaparmál, where the gods are holding a grand feast for the visiting Æsir, and in kennings for Loki: "husband of Sigyn", "cargo [Loki] of incantation-fetter's [Sigyn's] arms", and in a passage quoted from the 9th-century Haustlöng, "the burden of Sigyn's arms". The final mention of Sigyn in Skáldskaparmál is in the list of ásynjur in the appended Nafnaþulur section, chapter 75.

While the name Sigyn is found as a female personal name in Old Norse sources (Old Norse sigrmeaning 'victory' and vina meaning 'girl-friend'), and though in surviving sources she is largely restricted to a single role, she appears in the 9th century skaldic poem Haustlöng from pagan times, written by the skald Þjóðólfr of Hvinir. Due to this early connection with Loki, Sigyn has been theorized as being a goddess dating back to an older form of Germanic paganism.

Sigyn & Sarai

There were many times where Loki would leave the city region, this unknown to most of the palace; including Odin himself. But Ari knew, he could sense that his father was lying whenever he said he was going to a party on Midgard. Usually he did not associate himself with humans, but he said this because everyone knew how much Ari's sister loved Midgardian fashion.

Sigyn was getting curious as to where Loki was going, she never thought that he would be cheating on her. One day Sigyn vanished all together and when Loki arrived home, he discovered this. He decided that it was too soon for Ari and Astridr to live without the tender care of a mother.

After another journey, this time claiming that he was going to find Sigyn, he came home with another woman. To Odin and Frigga, he introduced her as Sarai. But when he introduced Sarai to his children, he placed a vision spell upon them. This spell caused them to only see their mother when they looked upon Sarai.

Jarlin Sigyn of Earth

The Jarl of Trøndelag

Marriage to the Jarl

Capital Visitation

The Invasion of '93

New Friends


Leaving Asgard

Returning to Asgard

Crown Princess

Rescue Mission

Tournament for Astrid's hand

Adjeon's Inprisonment


Queen of Svartalfheim

Son of Svartalfheim

Another Return to Asgard

Broken Ties


Son of Asgard

Coup D'etat

Queen of Asgard



Valhalla Heimdalldottir
Astridr and Valhalla Heimdalldottir practically grew up together as best friends. Valhalla visits the palace frequently to bring news from her father to Loki, Astridr's father. In the past, once the news had been given, the two children would immediately retire to play in the gardens.

A childhood friend of Astridr's whom she would eventually develop a mutual feeling of love for. When she returns to Asgard, Grauben is assigned to keep her safe by Loki.



Combat Allies






As the son of a warrior of Asgard, Grauben and Astridr spent much time together. They were the best of friends. Grauben and Astridr both developed feelings for one another but, because of the laws, theirs was like Romeo and Juliet.

Tarivaan Mavalorson
After the son of Malekith wins the competition for Astridr's hand in marriage, she is forced to marry him. Upon marrying the dark elf she is taken to her new realm where she would rule at Tarivaan's side as his Queen.

Xhal aka Adjeon Cadeusson
Astridr's original betrothed. Prior to the tournament, she was happy to marry the one she had fallen in love with. During the tournament a tragic event took place, causing her father to inprison and ban him from Asgard.

Powers and Abilities




Strength Level




Astridr does not carry around many weapons. As a warrior on Asgard, she was trained in how to handle a variety of weapons. Her favorite being a sword.



Any comic book character mentioned are owned by Marvel. I do not claim anything but the characters who do not exist in the comics. With exceptions to, Sarai, Caius, and Judah (James). These characters belong to my friend. These characters are mostly based on mythology with tad changes to also fit the Marvel versions.

Wattpad Book

Link to Asgardia's Princesse
